czwartek, 23 lipca 2015


Thursday 23.08.2015

Last night was Lithuanian Night and it was awesome!!! They welcomed us with the traditional bread with salt and gave us TrejosDevynerios to taste. Afterwards they served us cold beet and cucumber soup called Šaltibaršciai as well as other Lithuanian specialties. Everything tasted wonderful and the table was beautiful decorated. The evening continued with a funny yet captivating and interesting video about Lithuania. It included everything from the national sport which is basketball to information about politics and pop culture. After the video was over we had a quiz in which prizes were won. After dinner we divided ourselves into pairs and danced traditional dances which were great! The evening was so beautiful! 

Today we focused on personal development. The morning started with an energizer which involved playing rock paper scissors and finishing 4 stages of the game to win. It was indeed energizing! Afterwards we started talking about personal values. We took two quizzes to see what values we identify with, how they differ from person to person and whether they vary on a personal level and on a professional one. For some people they did and for some they did not. We concluded that it would be ideal for our values to coincide on both plans. Straight after breakfast we took everything to the next level and used the values that we talked about earlier to form life and vocational goals. This was a great opportunity to discover ourselves and explore what we really want and what motivates us. In the evening we made Pierogi! The Polish team organized a really fun workshop in which we learned how to make Pierogi from scratch. The highlight of the evening was when Bogdan threw Larisa and Silvia into the pool. Everyone jumped in afterwards. It was wonderful!

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